Mind Control

The Intuition Insight for week of 25th March was ‘mind’. It was about paying attention to the dominant and recurring thoughts that happen there and to know that you can change those thoughts at any time. I know that is easier said that done, but it is possible.

But one way to help to do that is to find quiet times, spaces and places where the mind chatter can be soothed. A place where it starts to feel peaceful, such as in nature when the mind can be occupied with the beauty of your surroundings because when you do that, it makes way for you to listen to your intuition.

Paying more attention to your intuition, your higher self, inner voice, your soul -however you refer or resonate to that inner part of you - is the way to soothe the mind chatter.

Then it takes strength and courage to stop analysing what is going on in the mind. But just noticing and accepting. And each time the mind runs away with itself, just gently bring yourself back to that place of peace or find ways to feel grounded, balanced and centred. The more you can remain peaceful, grounded and centred, the easier and more quickly your mind can clear.

Before you go to sleep tonight, look at the night sky. Allow your mind to take everything in. Describe to yourself what you see and let this be the last image that your mind takes to bed for a relaxing night’s sleep.


Are you a Sacred Activist?


Can you switch off from the drama?