Three Principles to Reclaim Your Intuition

Reclaiming our intuition, that innate piece of us within that just knows, can take time when we have accumulated a life time of conditioning. Each of us is a bundle of childhood and familial conditioning - and hereditary and ancestral conditioning. We were potentially already conditioned in some things at birth. As we grow up we have experiences that taint and colour our world and create yet more psychological, emotional, intellectual and physical barriers that cut is off further from our intuition.

The three principles that help our conscious mind to get on board to reclaim our intuition are:

  • Frequency

  • Coherence

  • Ruth’s Self-Belief Scale

Frequency is the individual electrical charge we create and how the vibration of our frequency connects to the other worldly.

Coherence is knowing and working with the frequencies of the heart, body, mind and soul to create a flow state for your highest good and to enhance your connection to the other worldly/Universal frequency.

My Self-Belief Scale brings this together for you to test your own level of coherence and to get real about what you believe you want and what you believe you can have.

If you are ready to start the adventure to reclaim your intuition, do contact me for an introductory chat: or call/text me on 07803 741396.

If you are curious but not yet ready to work with me, my book “Reclaim Your Intuition, a practical guide to live with intention, be in flow and feel empowered” may be your starting point.

Or you can connect with me on LinkedIn (Ruth Ann Richards), subscribe to the YouTube channel or sign up for my weekly newsletters.