Can you switch off from the drama?

Last week’s Intuition Insight was about the Collective Consciousness and specifically staying away from drama that causes you upset or worry.

The collective consciousness is that group think or feeling that comes with large groups. You may have experienced it with family, friends or in a work setting, where you all start to share the same opinions and have the same thoughts. Such group think can be about positive things in the world or negative.

The message last week was making a conscious choice about what you wanted to put out into the world. Did you want to continue to feed the drama, worry and and fear or did you want to create peaceful, balanced and compassionate interactions, communications and actions?

Only you know the answer to that.

Remember, the Intuition Insight is often not just for that week. If you found it difficult to step away from the drama last week, that is ok. We all do the best we can. You can still choose to create peace and balance around you this week and any day or week you like.

The choice is yours.

PS The link to the Intuition Insight is only available once it has been published, if you cannot see it then you can subscribe to the You Tube Channel here to get notifications.


Mind Control


Inner World Learning