What do you believe?

A few years ago at a networking lunch a woman asked me, “What do you mean by the Universe?” It is one of the best questions I have ever been asked and I must have given her a good answer because she is still a client and friend. If like my friend, you are unsure what the Universe means, feel like you spiritual but not religious or are just plan confused by it all, I invite you to read below and see what truly resonates with you.

I refer to the Universe or the Spirit or the Universe to acknowledge the other worldly. The other worldly, something out there beyond our planet, beyond all the planets, the sky, the clouds, something out there in the ether that contains ancient wisdom and knowledge and that has all information about everything that ever was, is and will be. I also believe that if we choose, we can learn how to connect to the other worldly to co-create the life we want and to live with intention, flow and empowerment.

I am not religious and do not believe in the concept of a god or a supreme being. Nor do I believe in heaven, hell or purgatory. My view is that most of what we have been taught and know about religion today has been adapted over centuries (or even millenia) by those with patriarchal tendencies who want to have power and control over the masses, particularly over women, children and the vulnerable in society.

Although I do love the idea of the different goddesses across multiple faiths and religions who represent different aspects of spirituality and ancient wisdom. I know that the idea of angels provides a lot of comfort to many people and I respect that. I love the idea of spirit guides and I wholeheartedly believe I have spirit guides supporting me and helping in this earthly life.

I am fascinated by Quantum Physics and particularly Entanglement Theory, which to me as a lay scientist, is proof for those who need it, that psychic ability and psychic connection is real. The concept of the Akashic Field appeals to me greatly, particularly as science now has its own explanation about a hologram or band around our planet that contains information of past, present and future which to me sounds just like the Akashic Field. Jung’s idea of the Collective Conscious from the field of psychology feels to me like proof of an otherworldly consciousness out in the ethers. If you believe that then we have to expand our knowing to a Collective Unconsciousness and Collective Subconsciousness too.

I call my worldview, The Spirit of the Universe. My worldview includes the beliefs that the Universe has a consciousness, an unconsciousness and a sub consciousness, that intuition is the communication system with the other worldly and that intuition is better and more comfortable term than psychic. I choose to believe in synchronicity because it is like magic, in the potentiality that anything can happen especially wonderful things and that we should take personal responsibility for ourselves and our actions. In my heart I know that coherence of heart, body, mind and soul makes life easier. I love the idea of a destiny and purpose that we each have and without any doubt whatsoever, I believe we can create our own energy and energetic field when we understand how to work with vibrational frequencies.

So tell me, what do you believe?

You can find out more about these concepts in the book “Reclaim Your Intuition: A practical guide to live with intention, be in flow and feel empowered.”