Why do we ignore our intuition?

If our intuition allows us to feel empowered, why do we ignore it so often? Here are a few reasons:

Firstly is conditioning. That is all the conscious mind stuff we have picked up along the way. What we learn from family, through education, how society works and the culture we live in. Intuitive knowing is drummed out of us because there is no evidence for it.

Secondly is because of ancestry, whether actual DNA ancestry or historic ancestry of how women have been treated. Women across all cultures either carry or aware of the historic burden of how intuitive women were treated in the past (think the witch trials). It is a self protection mode to ignore intuition in case we are seen as emotional, hysterical or just don't know what we are talking about.

Thirdly it is because we have lost the connection and trust that our intuition is right. If we knew it was right and was going to help us avoid emotional pain, anger, hurt and help us make the right decisions for ourselves, it would be easier to trust it.

There are many more reasons and each woman has their own personal reasons that are specific to them, but these three reasons apply to most of us in the western world.

I believe now is the time to ditch the conditioning, celebrate and honour our ancestry and start to trust intuition again.

It is time to reclaim our intuition.
If you want to know how to do that I can help you.
You can start by connecting with me here, subscribing to the YouTube channel or signing up for my weekly newsletter.

Come join me and others reclaiming our intuition and live with intention, flow and empowerment. You will be most welcome.




Bye, bye imposter.