Letting Go of Out Dated Beliefs

It is never easy is it, to let go of things you intellectually believe. That is how we become so conditioned. The conscious mind loves rational, logical thinking especially if backed up with evidence. That evidence could be scientific or just your own personal evidence from your life experiences.

Yet those things we intellectually believe are not always what we believe in our soul. That is often how psychological, mental and emotional suffering occurs. And worst still, we are so ingrained with the cultural concept of living within the constraints of what society expects and what it accepts as ‘belief’, meaning it requires evidence, that we do not even recognise that this is inner conflict.

What do we do? We continue to try and make the evidence fit. Even though we are conflicted internally, feeling low mood, knowing that something is not right, but we continue to try and fit in because we cannot see or know what the alternative may be. Because society has drilled out of us that any alternative is even possible.

But there is an alternative and it is within us. It is our Soul Belief. Our Higher Self. Our Inner Voice. It is that part of us that uses intuition as a communication system with the Other Worldly.

You have just forgotten that - and for many reasons. (Think the Witch Hunts and Trials).

It is time to let go of what is causing you that inner conflict. To question all your intellectual beliefs, choose feels right in your soul - you will know when that happens as you exhale or feel a sense of inner peace - and to thank those beliefs for their time with you, then allow them to float away like clouds.

And because nature abhors a vacuum, allow your soul beliefs to become your new and updated intellectual beliefs.

I know this sounds easy written down and is much harder in reality.

It takes small steps to transform your life to live intuitively and soulfully with intellectual beliefs to match. But keep questioning what you believe and slowly and steadily that transformation becomes rooted.


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