Did an imposter visit you last week?

I certainly did. Before I share why, please note this Intuition Hindsight is going to cover the death of a believed companion animal and grief.

Sadly, the remarkable Little Miss Mildred the Frenchie passed over last weekend.

Grief is grief, regardless of the circumstances of a loved one’s death, but an imposter showed up in my grief for Mildred.

And it made me question everything.

Did I do everything could have done for her last chapter and her last days? Did I make all the right decisions for her care? Did she know I loved her? Questions starting with ‘Did I’ kept going on a loop around my head for about 24 hours. Now, with a little bit of hindsight, I can understand that was my conscious mind processing the grief.

But it has been a long time since the imposter got hold of me in this way. Over the years I have developed many techniques to manage the imposter to the point where I thought it had disappeared.

But here it was larger than life, ready to grab hold of me in my sadness and mess with my mind.

And because I was heart-broken and for the first 24 hours I did not have the emotional strength to stop it or put it in check, it went wild.

After about two days, a clot of crying and a lot of journalling I felt ready to boot out the imposter.

Not because I could answer the questions that I had done everything right, but because I had done everything with heartfelt intention and what my heart felt was best at the time. I knew this deep down in my soul. And once I started to allow this emotion to take hold, there was no more the imposter could do.

So what hindsight does this give me?

A reminder that the imposter is only ever a visitor. It is not a resident in my life and there is no space for it. But when it does visit, I am emotionally, heartfully and soulfully stronger to show it the door.


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What does Destiny mean to you?