Changing the world: Beneficial Patriarch and Earthly Matriarch

In a world that lack tolerance and compassion, how can we redress the balance? Here, I share with you the view of an Earthly Matriarch and Beneficial Patriarch.

Beneficial Patriarch

In society today, patriarchy is loaded with negative connotations. It is the word used to represent the old, traditional and outdated ways of living and includes, laws, processes and attitudes that no longer serve the collective (society). It is associated with those serving who are dominated by an aggressive masculine vibrational frequency and only use their conscious thinking, mostly to promote their own interests for their own benefit. This type of patriarchy is conditioned throughout all of society in the Western world (even the whole world) and has dominated family life, education, how children and women are treated and has directed how workplaces must be. It is important to understand how this old patriarchy works so that you can appreciate and embrace a new society that holds and an Earthly Matriarch and a Beneficial Patriarch as equals.

The Beneficial Patriarch allows and encourages all of us to create, develop and use ways of being that are intuitive and give everyone opportunity. What we do with that opportunity is up to us, but the Beneficial Patriarch understands that the route to transforming society is through opportunity for all. The Earthly Matriarch supports the planet and the whole of the cosmos, focused on macro aspects of life on this planet. The Beneficial Patriarch focuses on the details in life including, commerce, technology and industry. For example, making space for processes, methodologies and frameworks that are free of bias and encourage different thinking, so that profit is no longer the primary motivator and allows space for intuition, desire and the greater good to shine through.

Earthly Matriarch

The Earthly Matriarch is the manifestation of the Divine Feminine on this planet. Contrary to society’s thinking, an Earthly Matriarch possesses unflinching courage, advocates soulful rage and understands the appropriate use of sacred activism. She raises her voice and speaks her truth for humanity and the planet. She permeates through the collective consciousness (society) waiting patiently for enough single human voices to find her, until they can manifest a collective Divine Feminine voice on this earthly planet. Such a change in the world, to bring forward a unified collective voice to represent the Divine Feminine on earth is ready for a resurgence. Now is the time to speak your truth, call out the untruths and stand firm in protecting Mother Earth and all those who seek the shelter of the Divine Feminine. Whether you are male or female, however you choose to identify your gender for yourself, you are called to acknowledge the part of you that resonates with the Divine Feminine and to use this part of you for the voice of truth in your life, for you and others.

The Divine Feminine is not about being a woman or woman like, it is about what the Divine Feminine represents which is truth, compassion, caring, living by your intuitive voice and breaking with traditional ways that no longer serve the earthly planet. It takes immense strength to show compassion when others show hatred, it takes a full and loving heart to care when others turn a blind eye to the vulnerable, it takes trust to act on the inner intuitive voice and it takes resilience to break with traditional ways.

Earthly Matriarchs exist on this planet with the purposes of caring for the planet, treating all people as family, teaching forgiveness and gently allowing the truth to be seen clearly.

Taken from the ‘Reclaim Your Intuition’ Oracle Guidebook© by Ruth Ann Richards.


What do you believe?


The Divine Feminine