Chaos is a feeling

Last week’s (week of 22nd January 2024) Intuition Insight was Chaos. Specifically about the feelings of chaos you have within you, that inner emotional turmoil that makes you and your life feel chaotic.

Did you notice that the ‘Chaos’ insight also matched the weather? The weather in my part of the world as very chaotic. Highs winds especially at night time, were bringing wild noises with them.

The wind is like our feelings. Our feelings cannot be seen, only experience and felt. Just like the wind. We cannot see it, we only know it is there because we if we are walking in it then we feel it or we hear the noise it makes. And although we cannot see the wind, we can see how it impacts trees and nature as we see them move.

You cannot see your inner chaos, but that does not mean it should be ignored.

Feelings are information.

They are telling us something about our life and likely that something in life is out balance or there is something we are scared of or unhappy about, but our conscious mind is ignoring it, so our feelings are created to make us take notice.

Do you know what information your chaotic feelings were giving to you last week? Did you take the time to pay attention to them?

Paying attention is not always about taking action, it is about noticing. I practice ‘neutral noticing’. Just paying attention to my emotions without judging them, without shaming or blaming myself. Being neutral and noticing helps me say to myself, “ok, that is interesting. I wonder what this is all about?” And with no judgement, blame or shame it becomes easier to see the insight.

Whatever your chaotic feelings were last week, remember, they do pass.

And if you want to find out what the guidance is for this week’s Intuition Insight, you can find out here.  

PS The link to the Intuition Insight is only available once it has been published, if you cannot see it then you can subscribe to the You Tube Channel here to get notifications.


The sound of silence


I want….