Can you feel the Earthly Heartbeat?

The Intuition Hindsight takes a look back at the previous week’s Intuition Insight, because hindsight is a great way to learn insights about intuition.

Last week’s Intuition Insight was ‘Earthly Heartbeat’. About the vibrational frequency that resonates around our planet, also known The Schumann Frequency. Also called the Heartbeat of Mother Earth.

How connected are you to the Earthly Heartbeat? It could be as practical as recycling or only buying products that can be recycled, reused or repurposed. Maybe you have ditched fast fashion for vintage. Or perhaps you only buy or eat organic foods and fabrics knowing that the these has been grown in a more naturally way that is better for you and for Mother Earth. And maybe you are using your intuition and conscious mind thinking to only buy from companies and individuals who have sustainability at the heart of what they do.

In my meditation time, as well as sending vibrational frequencies of peace out into the world, I send healing to Mother Nature. She has spent her entire life (and likely beyond) providing us with natural remedies to heal that I feel she would appreciate some support in return.

Regardless of all the conflict happening in the world, the Earthly Heartbeat and Mother Earth, Mother Nature is at the heart of us and our planet. And our lives. Did you make it the heart of your life last week?

And if you want to find out what the guidance is for this week’s Intuition Insight, you can find out here.  


Did you get that ‘spidey sense’ last week?


Hindsight on your connections